Cyber Safety Incursion

On Tuesday June 6th, Constable Andy Morton visited  Year 3-6 students to discuss how they can be safe online. Students listened to real life stories from children about gaming safety and how to keep themselves safe when playing online. They role-played how people online ask subtle questions to gather information about their identity and what they could do if they were ever in that situation.

Students learnt about password strength and one of the easiest ways to protect their online information is through a strong password. Students were able to test their password strength to see how quickly a hacker could solve it. They ranged from instantly, a couple of days and up to 1 year. Andy taught them about ‘passphrases’ and created one with each year level. The passphrase would take over 750 million years to crack.
His trick to create a passphrase was one one to describe each category
  • favourite colour
  • favourite animal
  • favourite fruit
  • something in the sky.
Example of a passphrase:  greenmonkeymangoplane
The students were very knowledgeable about Cyber Safety and learnt some incredible strategies and tools they could implement instantly to keep them safe online.
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